Case Results


$2,700,000 verdict

Jury verdict against liquor store owner for gun shots that caused debilitating injuries to client.

$1,00,000 settlement

Against property owner for serious bodily injuries suffered by a four year old client who fell out of a second story window.

$500,000 settlement

Against minor and his parents for breaking client’s nose in a brawl in a parking lot.

$350,000 settlement

Against property owner for uneven floor that caused client to fall and break his hip.

$350,000 settlement

Against property owner and sub-contractor for metal gate that fell on client causing serious injuries.

$300,000 settlement

Slip and fall in a nail salon.

$125,000 settlement

Client suffered injuries due to trip and fall on uneven and cracked asphalt in a parking lot.

$100,000 settlement

Serious injuries sustained in a car accident.

$90,000 settlement

Client was seriously injured in a car accident.


…And thousands of smaller settlements in the four, five, and six figures were accepted by our office and resulted in millions of dollars in settlements!


Sara’s work has been recognized numerous times by the City of Los Angeles, State of California and the United States. She was among the first attorneys to truly adopt mediation as an alternative method to resolve disputes, and frequently volunteers and assists others in her own spare time.